Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working

Try removing the hyperlink and then re-add it again. In addition, please go to File Option Advanced, scroll down to the General section, click Web Option button, click Files tab, make sure that the check box before 'Update links on save' option is not ticked. Hope this helps. VLOOKUP is very common, popular and widely used function in Excel and Google Sheets. But the majority of users complain that VLOOKUP is not working correctly or giving incorrect results. This is because of some limitations with the VLOOKUP function, and sometimes users also do not carefully follow its rules and syntax. Troubleshooting for “Excel Hyperlinks not working” doesn’t involve much time but there is a possibility that what you get is not as expected, meaning the hyperlinks are not repaired. Stellar Repair for Excel lets you perform Hyperlink repair, scan and save the result in all new Excel file, without interfering with worksheet properties.

  1. Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working In Google Sheets
  2. Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working In Google Docs
  3. Hyperlink Not Working In Word
  4. Vlookup Matching Two Columns
Vlookup between two sheets

Getting 'unable To Open Http:

The full error is: 'Unable to open http:<Website here> The internet site reports that the item you requested could not be found. (HTTP/1.0 404)'
I get this in a certain file and any file into which I add a sheet from the first file into. When a file is added to the a clean sheet it will literally take 30-45 seconds to open, and give me the above error 4 or so times whenever I'm opening the file. This is truly frustrating, and the workbook that has this problem is massive, so I can't really rebuild it. The places that it is trying to bring up doesn't even exist anymore.
Whenever I look at links (ALT + A + K) there will be none, and there are no connections. It appears that there are zero links whatsoever, yet I still get this message.
I've googled this error and I haven't found anything helpful. I would post the workbook but the link contains a link to my company's internal website, so I don't think I can do that.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm desperate.

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How to make a fully featured professional form in Excel that is unbreakable. This includes how to use the form to store, view, edit, and delete data from a data storage worksheet.

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Send Emails from Excel using VBA and Macros. This course starts from the Basics and builds up to more advanced examples with attaching workbooks, worksheets, PDF's, automatically sending emails, including a signature, error handling, increasing speed, and more.

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I can't find this solutions anywhere. I know how to send emails from Excel using VBA. When I get to the Body section, I want to insert a clickable link to a website, and also a clickable link to send an email (not as important as the website). Can this be done? I have found code to insert links to files, but none for website links.

The File Is Locked. Try The Command Again Later - Excel

Hi all,
I've been getting this error on occasion recently.
- It's a shared document
- There is usually 10-12 people using the file at the same time
I've read on the Microsoft Help site that the issue is that somebody is accessing the file while another is trying to open it.
Is there a way, perhaps through VBA, that I can not allow a user to save while somebody else is opening the document? Other suggestions on how to avoid this error?
I get the error message 'reference is not valid' each time I open my spreadsheet. I get this message three times, and once I am done clicking ok on all three of them, my spreadsheet works just fine. The problem is, I have to send it to a bunch people.
I havea sheet with raw dataa sheet with pivot tablesa sheet with a dashboardand a simple macro
I don't have any #REF cells either.
Someone has any idea of what could be the problem?

Vba Open File/run Code/close & Save/open Next File? - Excel

I have a number of different files that I often need to run a macro on. In order for me to do it on the 75-100 files I have at any given time, I need to open one, run the macro, close and save, then open the next one.
Is it possible to write a macro that will start with the first file in a folder, open it and update links, run a macro, save and close, and open the next file in the folder until it has open all the files in the folder.
I have experience with creating macros that reference different workbooks, but not sure how to go about opening files with different filenames (without referencing the exact filename).
I'd like to be able to have basic code for opening, saving and closing, opening next file, saving and closing, etc. and input the macro I'd need to run in each file in the appropriate location. Is this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

So Large File That Excel Cannot Open It... - Excel

I have a file that became too big due to phantom bloat, unused range saved by Excel and all that kind of reasons. Thank to previous posts on that board tackling that issue, I was able to find how to proceed to reduce the file back to its normal size.
But I did so in a beta file (test file). The real file has become so big (103MB!) that Excel cannot even open it anymore! The file contains archive info that we do not have anywhere else.
Is there anyway then to open the file or to reduce its size without opening it (through magics...)? I just honestly don't know how to retrieve that info before deleting that file.
Thank you very much for your help.
I did a bit of browsing on this problem. Found others suffering the same but haven't found any conclusive answer yet.
Every so often when I attempt to save a file, (including save as), Excel won'r let me. By won't let me I mean:
using Save doesn't appear to do anythingusing Save As doesn't either do anything, the dialog is not displayed and if I am doing via the File menu then the File menu is exited and the previous ribbon tab is displayed (i.ethe one I was on before clicking 'File')if I close the workbook I am prompted to save, close without saving or cancel. Clicking save just invokes the same msgbox again.I can't work out when it goes into this mode. Some days I can work without this problem, other days I encounter this 2 or 3 times.
The only thing I could suspect was I think this started around about the time I installed xlDennis' code library. I have uninstalled the addin and so far so good, but I cannot categorically say that this was the cause.
Anyone have any idea?
Edit: I have read this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/271513
Doesn't seem to cover the issue I describe
We have an Excel spreadsheet that sits on the network.
People need to open the file to be able to sign up for various duty rosters.
We would like for the file to open for the first person.
And then for any others after that, get a message that the file is in use
WITHOUT the option to open a read-only copy.
Our staff can't read and they keep opening additional copies of the file!
I have read about sharing the file and I don't think that would make things
any better.
I'm trying to open a pdf file from within excel vba. I have tried using the followhyperlink method but adobe acrobat opens very briefly then immediately closes Code:
So then I tried to create an instance of acrobat by setting a reference to the acrobat object but I can't get this to work either!
The code I'm using is Code:
Any ideas what could be wrong with either approach?
Firstly i haven't used excel to a great extent since my college days. So i'm having to re-learn 99.9% of everything i once new...
I am volunteering for a non profit organization and trying to create a reservation system for the rooms that they have - kind of like hotel software, but in excel (i did a similiar thing in college but for plane seats)
Please find it attached.
What i need it to do:
Copy all of the info from the main page to the guest lit (a new row each time).
From the guest list to the Gannt chart - i did a few tutorials on dynamic gantt charts using conditional formatting but cannot get them to work when based on data on a different worksheet.
Finaly is there a way to check for availabilty on any given date?
if just someone could point me in the right direction, i would be appreciate it so much words can't express!!!
Best Regards,
P.S for the calender drop down on the main page, i'm using 'microsoft time & date picker 6.0)
http://www.2shared.com/file/6521961/...ibsV05b32.html - pop ups on this site
http://www.easy-share.com/1906519167/RibsV0.5b3.2.xlsm - same file, better website
I'm having a problem in a workbook with several ActiveX command buttons. I had been using the form control buttons to run macros, but the boss wanted each button to have it's own, different color. So I removed the form control buttons and created new ActiveX command buttons. I got into the button properties and set the background colors. I added the _Click code to run the macros when the user clicked the buttons.
All of the buttons were working fine. Then I saved and closed the workbook and went to lunch. Now when I open the workbook, the buttons don't work! When I click them nothing happens. They appear frozen. They don't even seem to click. No error message. Nothing.
If I right-click the button in Design Mode and select Properties, I get sheet properties not the button properties. I can't seem to locate the command button properties any longer. I still see the button name 'cmdButtonGetInfo' and '=EMBED('Forms.CommandButton.1',') in the name box and formula bar. The odd thing is if I create a new button it works fine until I save and close the file. When I reopen the file none of the buttons work.
It's like the buttons are being disabled when I close or open the file. Any suggestions?

How To Delete All Commas From A Spreadsheet? - Excel

I have a large spreadsheet in Excel 2007. I am converting it to a .csv file to import in to another program. I need to delete all commas from all data.
When I try to replace all commas (with nothing or with another character), I get the error message 'The formula you typed contains an error.'
I have tried various formats (text, general, etc.) and various file types (.xls,.xlsx, .csv) and still get the same error.

How To Change The Link Source Of A Single Sheet ? - Excel

Hello everybody,
We all know we can change the source of a link of the workbook by clicking Edit>Links>Source>change source but that will change the source of all workbook formulas which are linked to a certain file, what about if i need to change the source of a single sheet? is this possible?
I appreciate your support.Thank you !
Hi, I'm trying to get some macros to combine data from two open workbooks, and I can't figure out the commands to switch from the active workbook to the other open workbook and back. I'm new to VBA and just learning the ropes. All I can figure out is how to switch to another workbook with an exact name. If I record the macro to go to a recent file, for example Window > 1 (filename), the code that I get in VBA is Windows('filename').Activate. This doesn't translate to when I have two different workbooks with different filenames open.
Make sense? I'm a bit confused myself. Maybe just a list of basic workbook-switching techniques or commands would be useful.
- Michael
I need help desparately. Last night I spent several hours working on an
Excel 2002 spreadsheet and it has disappeared.
I saved it routinely as I was making many changes updates etc. I opened
original file --stuff.xls --- made changes and saved it as again as
stuff.xls. I have done this several times before.
Today, when I go to open stuff.xls, it is nowhere to be found!!!!! I have
done a search, for any file modified since Thurs and nothing has appeared. I
have checked the recycle bin, this did not go into auto recover nothing of
the like. I am just traumatized, because I have NEVER had anything like this
happen before.
I even thought perhaps I didn't save it as often as I thought, (I know that
I did) but I remembered that I saved it at least once and I can't even find
an Excel file that has been modified since Thurs!!!
Does anyone have any idea what could have happened to this file?? BTW, I
have prayed, rebooted, run spybot, called witch doctor, all with no success.
I have never had a file to just disappear with no trace. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance---

How To Grant Permission To Only Specific People To Open/view/edit File? - Excel

How do I grant only specific people to be able to open, view, edit an excel file? I don't want anybody else besides these two people to be able to even open the file, so I'm not talking about password protecting to prohibit editing a file. I would assume I need to go to the properties, security settings but I'm not sure?

Moving Rows To Another Sheet Based On A Certain Field's Value - Excel

Hi Excel experts,
I am working on a worksheet, and would like to have an entire row transferred to another worksheet based upon a certain cell's value.
Having searched through the many solved threads on this site, I attempted to customize some of the code to my worksheet. Not being proficient in Macro/VBA, I failed. I figured I would ask for help, and see if anyone can provide what I am looking for.
Basically, I am attempting to construct a 'work in process' file, and would like all completed work to be deleted from the work in process sheet, and transferred to a sheet that contains a running list of all work completed.
Attached is an example of what I am working on. I would like Column Q (Status) to determine if a row can be moved to a sheet that contains the list of all work completed, and eliminated from the original sheet. Once Status is updated to 'Complete', it would be helpful to be able to run a macro/click a button that would perform the transfer.
Can anyone assist?
I found this solution for 'drop down list with hyperlink' but it did not work.
Perhaps a better solution is to use a workaround that relies on the HYPERLINK function to refer to whatever is selected in the drop-down list. For instance, if you have your data validation drop-down list in cell A1, then you might put the following formula in cell B1:
=HYPERLINK(A1, 'Goto Link')
The solution directly above provides exactly what I am looking for
in the field where I write the formula, but it fails to hyperlink.
I have created a drop down list and linked each one of them to a
specific worksheet. When I select them individually they link to
appropriate worksheet. But when I select them in the drop down
list I receive the following error when I select the Hyperlink in
cell B1 as directed above.
'Cannot open the specified file'
Any thoughts?

Calculating Man Hours And Days Worked Over Multiple Sheets - Excel

I'm trying to come up with a solution to calculate the man hours and days worked over multiple sheets.
I have a file that has 8 sheets. the first seven sheets are the days of the week and the 8th sheet is where I want to calculate the hours.
The days of the week consists of 'Name' 'Date' Hours'
The 8th sheet consists of 'Name', 'Days of the week in their own column (7 columns in total)', 'Total Hours' and 'Total Days Worked'
Now... each day is always a different group and what I'm hoping for is to create a formula that can grab each name with their hours and throw them into the 8th sheet. So when the end of the week is done I have all the Employees weekly hours and days worked all finished.
I hope this makes sense. This file is to track about 100 employees that are on a rotational work schedule.
I have attached a sample file.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Using Vba To Automate Ie And Input User Name, Password, And Hit Submit - Excel

I'm trying to use VBA to go to a website that requires a User Name, Password, and a Submit Button.
So far I can get everything to work besides the Submit part. The code runs without errors, but doesn't actually 'hit' the submit button on the webpage.
For posting, I removed my actual user name and password and and used the generic ' User Name ' and ' Password ' highlighted in blue.
I highlighted another section in green that I took from a previous post hoping it would solve my problem. The link is: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthr...xplorer+submit
Here is the code I am using:
Sub GoToWebSiteAndPlayAroundNew()
Dim appIE As Object ' InternetExplorer.Application
Dim URL As String
Set appIE = CreateObject('InternetExplorer.Application')
URL = ' https://efolio.morgankeegan.com/escripts/defaultLogon.asp?errCode=2 '
With appIE
.navigate URL
.Visible = True
Do While .busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do While .ReadyState 4: DoEvents: Loop
.document.getelementbyid('fUserName').Value = ' UserName '
.document.getelementbyid('fPassword').Value = ' Password '
End With
On Error Resume Next
x = 0
For Each mitem In IE.document.all
mitem.Value = 'x'
x = x + 1
x = 0
For Each mitem In IE.document.all
If x = 'Submit' Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
I have workbook in which I want to save a specific worksheet to a new file with only the values saved - all data in this worksheet are references to cells on another worksheet, which is using VLOOKUP to pull data from a database.
Found the following code and it gets me close, but it copies the cell references, not the values. It also allows me to specify the file name from a cell reference.
I want the new workbook file to simply be saved, not opened, and a message box to display stating where the file was saved (will always be in the same location on the LAN).
What modifications do I make to this to get this to work per above requirements?
Sub CopyMe()
Dim SaveMeAs As String
SaveMeAs = Sheets('Sheet1').Range('B2').Text
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:='C:My Documents' & SaveMeAs
End Sub
Vlookup Hyperlink Not Working


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:43
Feb 19, 2009

Vlookup Matching Two Columns

Hey Guys,
I have followed the vlookup and hyperlink function, but i guess im having smoe trouble and i am not really sure where am i going wrong. I have attached the sample sheet. Now what i require cell L4 to diplay is the hyperlink.
this is the formula i have used =IF($J4=',',HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP($J$4,Link,2))).
I get False displayed on that cell and also the hyperlink dont work. I get cannot display the specified file.
I have enlisted the validation list. so When i select say '45 Rick' in J4, i need l4 to display the hyperlink/webaddress to it. Ive searched and searched but couldn't get an answer. The validation list is in AE and the hyperlinks are in AF in the same sheet.
Appreciate the help in advance.